Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and fulfilling year ahead! We've had a bumpy last couple years, but hopefully things will be looking up in 2022.
I'm so grateful to all of my patients who have trusted their health to me over the years, but especially these difficult last couple. Thank you to everyone who returned when I reopened in 2020 after closing up completely for several months. Thank you for having patience with my limited availability even then, as I spaced out appointments to allow for minimal contact between patients. And of course, thanks for hardly complaining about having to (still!!) wear masks while getting treated. Thank you for referring your husbands, wives, best friends, and coworkers. What is a greater vote of confidence than sending your loved ones in to see me? Nothing, that's what! I've felt touched and humbled each time that happens.
Thank you for your trust in my work and for continuing to support this one-woman-show. Without you I would not be able to be here doing what I love to do and able to provide the high level of care and attention that I believe so strongly in. So once again, thank you.
Sending the warmest wishes for good health and comfort in the new year for you, your loved ones, our communities, and our planet.